Concrete Repair OKC

Concrete repair is a common task that requires a great deal of knowledge and expertise. In order to successfully repair or restore concrete, the right materials and tools must be chosen. While it may be tempting to opt for a cheaper yet lower-quality material, using lower quality supplies can significantly increase the risk of failure and cause the project to become expensive and time-consuming to complete.

For this reason, it’s important to know what you’re dealing with and choose the correct materials for your specific concrete project. After all, the choice of materials will heavily depend on the end goal of the project.

Concrete Repair Materials

When it comes to concrete repair, there are a few key materials that must be taken into consideration. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, further materials and tools should also be considered to ensure that the repair job is completed to a satisfactory standard.

Below, we will delve into the different materials most commonly used in concrete repair and restoration.

Concrete Mixes

Concrete mixes are one of the most important tools when it comes to concrete repair and restoration. The right concrete mix should be selected to ensure that the repair material bonds and adheres to the existing concrete.

It’s important to note that the chosen concrete mix should have the same characteristics as the existing concrete surface, including strength, consistency, and color. To ensure that the mix is perfectly suited to the project, it’s best to determine the existing specifications of the concrete surface prior to selecting and mixing the repair material.

Concrete Adhesives

When it comes to concrete repair and restoration, local manufacturers will often provide the most suitable concrete adhesives for the repair project at hand. It’s important to use a concrete adhesive that is designed specifically for the type of concrete surface you’re dealing with.

The type of adhesive will also depend on the size and complexity of the project. For example, some types of concrete surfaces are more porous than others, which then requires a stronger adhesive to provide a better bond.

Cementitious Grouts

Cementitious grouts can also be used to help restore concrete surfaces. This type of material is much more flexible than other grouts and is designed to fill larger gaps between concrete cracks and joints.

However, it’s important to note that cementitious grouts should not be left exposed as they are prone to cracking due to the expansive nature of the material. For this reason, they should be coated with an appropriate sealer once the repair job is completed.

Polymer Additives

Polymer additives can be used to increase the strength and durability of concrete surfaces. This material can be added to concrete mixes to further boost their strength and versatility.

Furthermore, polymer additives can also be used in conjunction with concrete adhesives to create a more permanent bond with the existing concrete surface. When choosing a polymer additive, it’s important to verify that the brand you select is specifically designed for the type of concrete surface you are dealing with.


When it comes to concrete repair, it’s important to understand the different materials available. Different products have different advantages and disadvantages which should be taken into consideration before using them. It’s important to understand the individual’s project goals and select the materials appropriately to ensure that the job is completed to the highest possible standard.

For most major concrete repair projects, it’s always recommended to enlist the help of a reputable and experienced concrete contractor to ensure that the job is completed properly. However, if you are considering a DIY solution, the knowledge gained from this article will help you to become more informed and knowledgeable when selecting the right materials for the job.

By taking the time to select your materials wisely, you can ensure that your concrete repair project is a success.

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